Cookie Cutter Fiction

“I want to feel passion, I want to feel pain. I want to weep at the sound of your name. Come make me laugh, come make me cry… just make me feel alive.” ~Joey Lauren Adams

One of the first things an observer may notice, even from afar, is that I am a very passionate person. I am passionate about what I believe in and will stand my ground, preaching from  my soapbox until the cows come home. I am passionate about my friends and family. Upset someone I love, and pissed off hornets and fire breathing dragons will look like fluffy bunnies in comparison. I am passionate about what I do. I do not give bits and pieces of me. I am either willing to give something or someone every thing I have in me, or nothing at all. It is that simple.

At least, that is my opinion and you have been warned about where I stand with those already.

Should writing not be the same? Should we, as readers, not expect to be moved by the prose spread before us? Should writers not strive for this?

Any good form of entertainment, be it song, cinema, TV, or written word, should in essence make you feel the triumphs, tribulations, sorrow, and joy of the characters.

If I cannot lose myself in the world placed before me, as a reader, I feel disappointed. There is a sense of let down and betrayal that gnaws away at you.

Spare time is a valuable commodity. When it is wasted on senseless blathering or shoddy, incomplete work…it does not leave me feeling fulfilled or breathless with the rush of the thrill. It leaves me annoyed and aching for revenge.

Spiteful and vindictive wench that I am, eh?

I applaud the creation of the internet and all of the information and entertainment it brings. A mere click of the mouse and you can be anywhere looking at virtually anything your wretched little heart desires. Nifty.

Yet, part of me cringes. It loathes the ease at which many hopeful writers slap up what I can only kindly coin…garbage. One dimensional slop. Emotionless and cold as a rotting, dead fish and every bit as nauseating.

Like leeches they sap every bit of energy from you, the very willingness to open a web page, let alone read. They do not proofread. Many seem to be blissfully ignorant that spell check programs even exist. They leave us, head burrowed in the false security of a crooked arm, peering in dread at the computer screen.

These kind know no shame. They will assault you with the same emotionless characters time after time, the same tired plot, and equipped with every literary mistake known to man…they will slaughter you. The reader does not feel transported, nor do they laugh or cry along with the ensemble of cast.

Nope. We are left feeling appalled. The only question running through our weary mind, the only concern we really have is “Sweet Beezus! Is this thing over yet?”

Alas, though forty something odd chapters later, the torture goes on. We continue in vain hope that something, anything will stir even the mildest form of interest.

Don’t get me wrong. Not all writers are like this. The dreaded ones are far enough between and thankfully seem to migrate to each other. Perhaps this is the only way they find praise. To the contrary, many authors I have come across will without a doubt find success one day if they haven’t yet. Legions of them have a talent that I will never in my wildest dreams begin to touch.

I firmly believe you only get out of a story what you are willing to put in. *sweeping curtsey* My horns off to the vast majority of talented authors that pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their work. Please know that you leave your readers shedding the same right along with you. Nothing beats vivid imagery, deep characters, and a heart breaking or breathtaking plot, especially if it is well written.

My advice as a writer is pretty cut and dry. Take your time. Explore your worlds and your cast. This is not a race to the finish line…unless you want your readers to feel the same way.

The editing process is painful. Read your work, re-read it. Hell, rewrite it, and then send it to along to someone else to scrutinize. A beta reader/editor is NOT your enemy.

**NOTE** They are only a good one if they send you back mistakes and are honest enough to tell you if something does not work. Send them a Rolex if they have the gumption to tell you something sucks.

If they are really good and totally honest, expect to go through this several times. Get used to rewrites. You may pull every last shred of hair out of your head before you are finished, but know that you are sparing yourself…and others pain. Add humiliation to that list.

Do not force ideas or anything else on yourself. Don’t let others cram their visions of what is “good or acceptable” down your throat.

If we all liked vanilla ice cream, there would not be millions of other flavors. In fact, Ben and Jerry’s would not exist and THAT would be a mortal travesty.

Some of us prefer spun sugar and frilly romance, others REVEL in angsty goodness and gratuitous violence. Write what you are comfortable with and people who like the same will find it.. Pay attention to the feedback you get from these people. Bask in the praise and learn something from the constructive criticism.

Make us FEEL.

If I get feedback saying a reader was laughing, crying, stunned, fearful, etc…if they felt what my characters did, then I know I have done my job.

Lastly, pat yourself on the back. Indulge. Learn from your mistakes and be original. Writing is a craft and it takes a lot of practice. It is not baking, so leave those cookie cutters at home and take a walk on the wild side.

~Best wishes and happy writing!~


24 comments on “Cookie Cutter Fiction

  1. douginator says:

    “Like leeches they sap every bit of energy from you, the very willingness to open a web page, let alone read. They do not proofread. Many seem to be blissfully ignorant that spell check programs even exist. They leave us, head burrowed in the false security of a crooked arm, peering in dread at the computer screen.”

    Writing, no matter the genre is under the preview of “Literary Arts.” It’s called such a thing for a reason in my opinion.

    As you have mentioned well in this article of the pains, pleasures, and satisfaction of a well-written piece is a wonderful thing. Thusly, an art form. As an author and writer, I strive for perfection, and in this, my own worse critic.

    Writing for me both stretches the mind and liberates my soul.

    • Adriana Noir says:

      Very true, Doug. I, too, am my own worst critic. At times, that inner editor is the worst demon of all and I struggle to put one word to paper. But, as you elude to…a day without writing is a day without air.
      Best wishes!

  2. maramcbain says:

    Your artistic talent and the passion of which you speak flows through your words here. Beautifully expressed and poignantly true.

    • Adriana Noir says:

      Thank you, Mara, love! It was more of a rant than an eloquent expression of beauty, but hey–I’ll take a compliment in whatever form I can get. 😉

      • maramcbain says:

        I would give you more compliments if you would call, text, or email me. LOL I’ll resort to bribery and flattery if need be.

  3. Wonderful post today. Very nice job.

    I look forward to your future writings!

    Enjoy Writing? Writers Wanted

  4. Great post, Adriana. I look at it this way: anyone can write a story or prose, but few pack the punch to allow the reader to feel it. Don’t write the story; allow the story to write you!

    • Adriana Noir says:

      Very true, Joseph! I also think writers enjoy their work a lot more when they sit back, relax, and allow that process to happen. I once read that the writing process itself should be like living out a lucid dream…until it comes time to edit that is. 😉

  5. God, I LOVE the quote you used! It’s fricken perfect! And sums up things quite nicely when it comes to me as a reader and what I TRY to do as a writer.

    This was an amazing blog post, Adriana! I agree with every single statement you made. It may have been a rant, but people would do well to listen to you. As you well know, I, too, fight against that inner editor daily. Spell-check IS my best friend as a writer. All you can do is hope and pray that other’s feel the same.

    I know I am NOT perfect in this craft. Though I’ll always strive to be. Not only for the readers, but for myself as well. If you’re not satisfied by what you’ve written, it truly does shine through, and you’ll leave your reader feeling the same way- unsatisfied.

    As a writer, all I really want to do is take my reader on a ride. I want to make them both feel and see what my muse has shown me. Sometimes, I really hate my bitch muse. Though I couldn’t be more thankful for her. But truly, it’s up to me, the author, to completely immerse my reader in the world I’ve created.

    I think all writer’s are their own worst critics. As well they should be. That inner critic only makes us strive to become better at our craft.

    Thanks for sharing, Adriana! 😀 I miss ya!

    • Adriana Noir says:

      I’ve read your work, darling, and you do well. None of us are perfect…that goal, as much as well all strive, just doesn’t exist. As the saying goes….you can please some of the people some of the time. 😉

      Most of us are our own worst critic. It’s hard to silence that beast and trust in ourselves. But each success validates that belief, as well as the network of readers we build. As important as it is to take constructive criticism in hand, it’s also important to not let that be the only voice you hear. you don’t ever want to lose yourself and who you are, because that’s what makes you unique in this craft. ❤

      Thanks for commenting. I miss you too and wish you all the best! I'm rooting for you all the way. 🙂

  6. Agreed. There are many ways to present a character and a plot. But if they don’t leave me with a sense that I have gotten to experience something instead of just reading what someone else wrote, I feel cold.

    Cold reading doesn’t work for me, and neither does cold writing. Perhaps we should put your rant in the Daily Slice on WDC sometime….

  7. Feeling is always non-existant in my first draft. I usually need betas to drag it out of me. Either I don’t do it at all, or I overdo it. Always looking for that balance.

    • Adriana Noir says:

      I tend to get wrapped up in my characters as well. For me though, it’s not so much the emotions that trip me up but my love of words. I tend to be a bit…*slumps* verbose and even border on purple at times. But the good news is, if we recognize our faults, they are something we can work on!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. […] China.  Some of the best horror writers I know, like Edward Lorn,  J. Marie Ravenshaw, and Adriana Noir constantly research for their books.  They seek to give their twisted narratives the weight of […]

  9. Hunter Shea says:

    You hit the nail right on the head! I think with the prolliferation of places to easily self-publish, quality of what’s available to us readers has slipped a bit. Nothing beats a good editor who wrings the best out of you.

    • Adriana Noir says:

      Very true, Hunter. A lot of editors catch a bad rep, but I shudder to think where we’d be without them. I’ve seen those results, and they aren’t pretty! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

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